From President Desk

Greetings of peace to 202 countries

The peaceful life for the people in this world is not only by mean that without any weapons, bullets or war. Although without the explosion or any destructive weapons, nevertheless the last cold war has taught us about tensions, terrors and fears that urge the people live in worries and suspicions.

Peace is by mean that a situation and condition in which human beings enjoy living side by side with love and compassions caring and helping each other joy together with our neighbors or with whoever they might be.

The hunger, discrimination, and injustice is the beginning of the losing of what so called sense of peaceful life and emerging the sense of deep fears when as human beings they feel superior toward other nations from other ethnic groups, from other races and or from other religions

There is not even a baby or human being can define the beginning of their own life, but it is Al Mighty God the creator who defines our life. And how very important for all of us to aware that we were born into this world is because of our Creator wants us to conduct His glorious missions.

There is an adagium as "CIVIS VACUM PARA BELUM" which means If we want a peace then get ready for a war. This adagium then interpreted in the other way around by Napoleon Bonaparte as he said that If We Expect the War then get ready for a peace.

So we all have to get prepared for to face even the worst situation to fight the peace, however it would be great if we all can resolve all the problems by a mutual negotiation in a dining table. Explaining welfare will definitely be able to resolve the core source of the conflict, including those of differences why we were born into this world is simply to prospering each other in such a fair way. We all must be brave and ready enough to be the driving force of the world peace on earth. The momentum of 2202 2022 is the starting point for a new, more concrete civilization

February 22 2022, a great day, we are so pleased to see the spirit of peace for the world, which is begun by the inauguration of Management of the World Peace organization.

We most welcome this peace with happiness and joy. There are plenty of hopes as well as the challenges ahead that absolutely cannot be solved individually.

The policy of Central Board of the World Peace Organization is how to assemble an emotional bond amongst the countries in the continents that spread on this earth, which has six continents consisting of 202 countries, all of which actually want a sense of peace in their life.

Nevertheless it is due to such situations and conditions that make them have to accept the fact of being unable and not being able to feel the peace and freedom in a normal way, and that's our mission for this particular regard that we are managing now to be part of solutions against inequality, injustices, where lot of countries are not yet aware of full understanding of what peace means for our life.

Peace is not far from, it means that peace should firstly within us. When we know the zero point is on us, it becomes the basic foundation for us to make peace in the world, by then the in the world should have been accomplished.

The policy of Central Board of the World Peace Organization is how to assemble an emotional bond amongst the countries in the continents that spread on this earth, which has six continents consisting of 202 countries, all of which actually want a sense of peace in their life.

Nevertheless it is due to such situations and conditions that make them have to accept the fact of being unable and not being able to feel the peace and freedom in a normal way, and that's our mission for this particular regard that we are managing now to be part of solutions against inequality, injustices, where lot of countries are not yet aware of full understanding of what peace means for our life.

Peace is not far from, it means that peace should firstly within us. When we know the zero point is on us, it becomes the basic foundation for us to make peace in the world, by then the in the world should have been accomplished, it is so great duty for us to become a bridge, to be an important infrastructure, as a part of our efforts of this glorious missions, with a great hope that together we are able to join hand in hand to carry out the noble task of world peace.

The policy of The World Peace Organization is to form Management Zones of which each zone will be selected by several Vice Presidents, for example in West Asia there are 48 countries, then it will be led by 6 Vice Presidents who exist in each country.

They will be divided into one vice president to coordinate 8 countries. If in Asia, South East Asia countries, there are several countries divided into six countries where each is led by a vice president. Thus, the total number of Vice Presidents that we have determined is 48 Vice Presidents which are responsible for foreign affairs.

This is the way on how we directly touch the problems for not being centralized, not relying on Jakarta, nor relying on Indonesia.

We believe for the countries that are already committed to being part of this movement will become personals or part of this moral peace movement to consistently fight for peace until the end of their lives.

We should bear in mind that this is a clear picture of our current situation that we cannot resolve the peace issue independently, however with a such well organized way then we might be able to achieve a world peace completely.

Those are our hopes.

Hopefully for those who have just been inaugurated are fully aware that it is not just names, your position pin means a lot.

Your badge should not mean any kind of arrogance, instead it should make yourself to be wiser and able to directly touch the point of the problem.

That's the picture and or configuration of our current situation that I can present it to you, including my brothers and sisters in 165 countries, I sincerely wish you are always healthy and continue to follow this valuable channel so you don't miss all the information about peace.

Dr. Bambang Herry Purnomo SH. MH

President World Peace Organization