Ghanta is a tool or inscription that can remind all citizens of the world that various peace resonances can be symbolized through the Ghanta inscription which has been a part of human life since ancient times to modern times and forever, as a tool to unite people in peace

World Peace GHANTA (WPG) is a resonance harmonizer that is expected to unify the voices of peace for the world created by World Peace Organization which attempts to raise awareness of the WORLD PEACE movement by casting and installing WPO WORLD PEACE GHANTA in locations around the world

Since February 2022, the PEACE GONG is no longer used by WPO (WORLD PEACE ORGANIZATIO) as a PEACE symbol. its transformed into PEACE INSCRIPTION. The first Peace Inscription installed at Pawan Temple on May 2022 at the FIRST EVENT OF INTERNATIONAL WORLD PEACE AND PROSPERITY.

And this year on June 2, 2023, WORLD PEACE ORGANIZATION launch THE WORLD PEACE GHANTA INSCRIPTION - the “Ghanta for Absolute Peace", and THE FIRST WPO PEACE GHANTA installed at BOROBUDUR TEMPLE – Jogyakarta, Central Java Indonesia, as the model and symbol of PEACE.

The aim of WPO creates the WORLD PEACE GHANTA as a SYMBOL OF PEACE is to propagate this need for peace through as many like minded peace advocates as possible who would work towards peace building andlead to a peaceful mind which will eventually help prevail global peace. It's an honor for Indonesia to be the placed of the peace symbol.




A short historical-philosophical WORLD PEACE GHANTA

The origin of the notion and the meaning of peace, that has arrived to us nowadays has it’s roots in ancient times. The word “Peace” has it’s origin from the ancient English and means “freedom from conflicts”, comes from Latin language “pax”, while in the ancient Greek comes from the word “eirene (Ειρήνη)”. In ancient times that symbolized harmony, tolerance and understanding among people. Today, this notion refers not only to the process of reaching peace among individuals of society, but also in a meditative, richer and more complex context such as “Being in peace with yourself”, this means achieving a state of serenity and harmony with yourself. In times, the origin of this concept has evolved gaining a wider dimension and meaning.

The 4 elements of GHANTA are PEACE, NATURE, LOVE and UNITY are inline with World Peace Ghanta (by WORLD PEACE ORGANIZATION)’s Philosophy, they are PEACE HEALTH EDUCATION and PROSPERITY, which means a wider notion related to the field of human or international relations that has to be healthy and in accordance with the international values. And to achieve of an economical well-being, the establishment of justice, even having balances in human relations, tolerance and respect of freedom and basic human rights.

The Ghantas are made using Plate base material with a standard thickness of 3 mm Indonesian Traditional Gamelan with anti-rust Brown Gold Burning Paint. Flags of 202 countries made of stainless steel plates and paint in the color of flags. Vertical and horizontal supports made of rolled pipe with anti-rust paint and ghanta’s beater made of Ulin wood suspended by a 50kg rope.

About Us

World Peace Organization – WPO, Foundation was conceptualized in 2022 and formed as a global peace initiative entity under YAYASAN CAHAYA PERDAMAIAN ABADI (YCPD) Foundation. It is also registered in the city of Jakarta Indonesia as a private, non-stock corporation, aiming at resolving conflicts & prevailing Global Peace. It is an independent, non-government, not-for-profit organization with global footprints that endeavors to leverage corporate, employee & leadership talent for healthcare development, education for community development and social wellbeing. It is an integral part of the world peace movement and acts in cooperation with other International and national movements. The WPO is the largest International Peace structure, based in 202 countries,